Christmastime under American slavery was quite the occasion. Most enslaved Black people enjoyed multiple days off to visit family and friends and ample food and presents from the whites who enslaved them. But these acts of kindness from slaveholders were far from merry and bright.
The truth is these “good white folks” wanted something in return. “Hiring Day” was their chance to temporarily lease out an enslaved person. Leasing out Black people allowed whites too poor to enslave their own Black folks the opportunity to exploit us, too.
To win their cooperation, whites feigned generosity to bribe enslaved Black people, hoping to buy allegiance with gifts, lard, and flour. Exploitation was the only reason for pretending to play nice.
Christmas was all about manipulation, and our ancestors took advantage of the only time they could travel, craft tools, or sing without punishment. Many also used this time to escape or make extra money for themselves.
Regardless of what enslavers thought, we were far from stupid. We couldn’t be bribed back then and we can’t be now. After all, since when has having resources ever protected us from racial injustice?