In 1808, the "Act Prohibiting the Importation of Slaves" took effect, cutting off the primary source of enslaved labor: Africa. The international slave trade may have ended, but not the need for enslaved workers.
Banning the international slave trade didn't stop the growth of the enslaved population. How could the number of enslaved people have quadrupled between 1790 and 1860? The system would create a white lie to explain it.
White planters spread a myth that the explosive growth of the enslaved population was because of Black hypersexuality. But the stress of enslavement, along with high rates of infant mortality, proved this claim false. The truth was more sinister.
Breeding farms, created to mass produce enslaved people for sale, were the source of this population increase. Two of the largest of these farms were located in Richmond, Virginia, and Maryland’s Eastern Shore. When the slave economy was threatened, white supremacy turned to breeding Black people like animals.
The inhumane systems of white supremacy will do anything in its power to exploit us for profit, and we must fight back against it in any and every way possible.