Enslaved Black People Had A Secret Economy

Man reading books to children
Leslie Taylor-Grover
May 19, 2021

A major goal of many enslaved people? To keep their families safe. From seeking ways to escape to inventing technologies to make life easier, they were hustlers and survivors. But there’s another often hidden thing that they did – and it goes completely against what history books usually claim.

Enslaved people’s labor built this country, but there’s also another side to their work that we don’t hear about. It allowed them to purchase their freedom, freedom for family members, and even create organizations to help other enslaved people. What was it?

Side hustles! Many of our ancestors not only ran businesses, they offered their services for sale to white folks in a separate labor market. The racists were lost without Black experts, and our ancestors charged them premium prices for their services. But that’s not the best part.

Even more exciting was that this labor market was frequently kept secret from their captors! Money was hidden away in secret places only they knew about. This allowed our people to save money for freedom, business expansion, and community needs

Our people are industrious and have always used their skills to earn money and build wealth for ourselves and others in our communities, despite terrible circumstances. We must never think our people were docile or resigned to poverty – even during enslavement!

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