Five Ways Women's Prisons Create Gendered Violence

Indiana Womens Prison
Zain Murdock
August 20, 2021

#1: People in women’s prisons have less access to “rehabilitative” programs. 

There are fewer education, employment, and other programs available – those are gendered, too. So while Jones hoped to learn construction or electrical work like the men, she’s only offered … home economics.

#2: If you have a period, or a baby, you’re out of luck. 

Jones performed back-breaking work for pennies an hour just to buy a box of tampons. She even watched one of her pregnant friends get shackled while giving birth!

#3: Black LGBTQ+ folks are more likely to be incarcerated – and harassed once inside.

Jones also witnessed friends getting punched, misgendered, and assaulted by guards countless times. She also knows that the bulk of trans women end up in men’s prisons to begin with.

#4: 94% of people in women’s prisons have experienced sexual or physical abuse. 

And in prison, 70% of guards are men. Jones is watched as she changes clothes, coerced into sexual favors for simple toiletries, and can tell you exactly why women behind bars like her are 30x more likely to be raped.

#5: Experts keep asking the wrong questions.

"How can we build a better women's prison?" They say. But Jones knows the question should be: How can we build a better LIFE for each other? How can we actually rehabilitate people – without prisons at all?

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