Edward Poindexter was a Black Panther at the height of the Black Power movement in the 1970s. Authorities feared the Panthers’ militant approach to liberation, and it made them targets for the FBI’s counterintelligence program, COINTELPRO. Unfortunately, Poindexter would be caught in their crosshairs.
Poindexter, along with fellow Panther David Rice, was sentenced for the murder of Omaha police officer Larry Minard on April 17, 1971. The pair maintained their innocence. Many believe the star prosecution witness in the case, Duane Peak, who planted a suitcase bomb, lied on the stand to avoid prison.
There was no question about it: Poindexter and Rice were framed for their political activism. The FBI wanted to undermine the work of Black radicals, and the Panthers were easy targets. Both men would spend the rest of their lives fighting for their freedom.
Unfortunately, Poindexter died in prison on December 7, 2023. He spent more than 50 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. While incarcerated, he shared his liberatory wisdom through rap songs and mentorship to younger prisoners. He supported Black people until his death. His commitment and sacrifice hasn’t been in vain.
Edward Poindexter’s story emphasizes why we need to support revolutionary political prisoners. No one should die incarcerated. Support abolitionist organizations fighting to end the prison system so that our revolutionaries can live a full life.