He Was Beaten Unconscious for Being Helpful

via Flickr

March 20, 2019

When South African newscaster and radio host Samora Mangesi recently came across an overturned vehicle in Johannesburg, he and his two friends decided to stop and help.

But as soon as the white passengers caught a glimpse of these good Black samaritans, things took a deadly turn.

The group of whites immediately insulted Samora and his friends, calling them “monkeys” and “Black b*tches.” When asked why these racially offensive names were being hurled, Samora was met with fists.

He was stomped and beaten unconscious - but the racist assailants weren’t done yet.

As Samora was being placed in the ambulance, one of the white passengers continued his rampage of terror. He tried to RUN OVER Samora’s friend with his pick-up truck. Only when paramedics intervened did further violence stop.

South Africa is a country known for its brutal legacy of apartheid. And with racists popping up around the world, proudly attacking and killing any non-white person in the name of white nationalism, one has to wonder: are any of us safe?

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