#1: Adze: This creature may change to look like a firefly, but it’s really a blood-sucking vampire that stems from Ewe folklore found in Togo and Ghana. It is known to spread misfortune, flying into homes, possessing people and ultimately transforming into human shape once it has fed on its prey.
#2: Ninki Nanka: This West African swamp dragon looks like a giant reptile – and it spits fire! Some claim to have seen it in real life – but that’s unlikely. If it doesn’t eat you or drag you into the swamp, you’re still not safe: anyone who sees one promptly dies.
#3: Abada: This mythical creature stems from the Democratic Republic of Congo. It may look like a donkey, but it has two huge horns. However, do not fear – because these horns can heal diseases.
#4: Jengu: Jengu is a sea-based beauty praised by the sawabantu groups of Cameroon. She has a big curly afro and gap teeth — but she’s not a mermaid, she’s actually a spirit guide. She moves between the spirit world and the human world, helping make our lives easier.
#5: Rompo: This bizarre creature – part badger, bear, hare, human, and skeleton said to have been found throughout Africa – feeds on human flesh, humming a tune as it feasts. There is a plethora of fantasy creatures from white creators – we need more of our own. Our history is packed with fascinating mythological stories and beings that can inspire a new wave of storytelling.