Let's Make Sure More People See Movies Like This

April 24, 2019

Ava Duvernay’s 13th exposes to the world just how sinister the plot to keep Black people down really is. This film takes us on a harrowing journey from enslavement to now and shows us how far we’ve come and still have to go. 

The film takes its name from the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery EXCEPT as punishment for a crime. Yes, you read that right. We can still be enslaved when we get locked up - and we all know who disproportionately fills up prisons. 

Today prisons are overcrowded and BOOMING as a profitable industry. 

13th shows the conspiracy against Black people with insightful commentary from great minds like Angela Davis, Michelle Alexander, and Bryan Stevenson.

This crucially important documentary will leave you motivated, angry, and informed. Most importantly, it shows that the past isn’t quite the past. The problems our ancestors faced are still right in front of us, but we have to be able to recognize them first!

You can help make that happen! Sign up today to host a #PushBlackMovieNight showing of 13th and make a difference starting at home. Have a discussion afterward and help move us forward with the important information throughout this powerful film: https://forms.gle/1bQLp3vk8JxFw4X66 

We have a quick favor to ask:

PushBlack is a nonprofit dedicated to raising up Black voices. We are a small team but we have an outsized impact:

  • We reach tens of millions of people with our BLACK NEWS & HISTORY STORIES every year.
  • We fight for CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM to protect our community.
  • We run VOTING CAMPAIGNS that reach over 10 million African-Americans across the country.

And as a nonprofit, we rely on small donations from subscribers like you.

With as little as $5 a month, you can help PushBlack raise up Black voices. It only takes a minute, so will you please ?

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